Youth > AMHyA Youth Scholarship
Each year, AMHA recognizes its youth or former youth members on the basis of academic success, financial need, extracurricular activities, including community service, involvement with AMHA and personal references. An interview may be included in the selection process, and applicants are asked to write an essay, which includes information about school experiences, special interests, hobbies and AMHA activities. The purpose of these scholarships is to encourage, support and recognize participation in all aspects of AMHA.
Must be a current AMHA member, and have been for at least three years, no older than 18 and no younger than a Senior in High School. Former AMHyA members must be currently enrolled in higher education. Past AMHA Scholarship winners are not eligible to apply.
Outside judges (chosen by the Youth Coordinator and/or Youth Committee) will review the application and choose the winners. Spelling, grammar, neatness and actual content of the essay will be factors in the selection process, as well as other criteria on the application. Only complete applications will be considered.
Scholarship(s) will be awarded and announced at the AMHA World Championship Show.
Funds must be requested no later than 36 months after a winner has been announced at the AMHA World Show. If recipient does not attend a higher education institute and submit for funds, scholarship pay out will be null and void after the 36 months.
In order to receive funds, the recipient must submit an official bill issued by the institution of attendance to the AMHA Finance Office. AMHA will then issue funds directly to the institute to cover the cost of the bill up to, and not exceeding, the amount of the scholarship awarded. If the bill is less than the amount awarded, the remaining funds can be used by the recipient in the same manner in the following consecutive year/semester or the remaining funds will be forfeited.
Application Deadline is September 1st - Please fill out and send your completed application, essay and 3-character references to:
c/o Youth Coordinator
5601 S Interstate 35 W
Alvarado, TX 76009
Email to: val@amha.org
Pledges are currently being accepted for the Scholarship Program. If you are interested in contributing, you can pay by check or donate thru the AMHA secure online payment site. Any pledge amount would be appreciated.
Checks are payable to:
AMHA Youth Scholarship Fund
Mail to: American Miniature Horse Association
5601 S. Interstate 35W
Alvarado , TX 76009