Our Association > Member Services > Miniature Horse Therapy
Therapy animals enhance human health and well-being Therapy animals can positively impact our physical, social, and emotional lives. Whether helping to encourage struggling readers, motivating someone to participate in their treatment protocol, or providing comfort in the final days of life, therapy animals are increasingly recognized for their value. Leaders in animal-assisted interventions (AAI) must be committed to preserving and expanding access to therapy animals through high standards for safety and professionalism. Therapy animal visitation is not about novelty or entertainment. AMHA provides the following links as a courtesy to our members; AMHA bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the websites or organizations below.
Miniature Horse Therapy

Aupollos Midnight Marquee doing his rounds at the airport
The mission of the American Miniature Therapy Horse Association (AMTHA) is to promote public awareness and set standards of operation, behavior, and qualifications for miniature therapy equines and handlers.
Mini Hooves of Love miniature horses and volunteers are dedicated to providing therapeutic animal assisted visits. It is our mission to give people the opportunity to interact with a miniature horse to enhance their quality of life.