The American Miniature Horse Association is the world's leading Miniature Horse registry with over 240,000 horses registered and more than 6,000 members in 38 countries and provinces.
Founded in 1978, AMHA promotes the breeding, use and perpetuation of a standard of equine excellence in miniature, separate and apart from ponies and other small equine. Horses registered with AMHA must meet the Association standard of perfection and cannot exceed 34 inches in height at the withers as measured from the last hairs of the mane.

The Horse for Everyone!

The Horse for Everyone!

The Horse for Everyone!

The Horse for Everyone!
Images are courtesy of AMHA members!
Big Dreams
Organized by a group of dedicated horsemen, the American Miniature Horse Association was formed in 1978 in Arlington, Texas. The goal was simple, to encourage the breeding, exhibiting, use and perpetuation of the American Miniature Horse, separate and apart from ponies and other small equines. Until that time, breeders of American Miniature Horses had limited options available for the registration, exhibition and promotion of their horses.
According to AMHA Rules, Regulations and Bylaws, an animal exceeding 34 inches in height is not eligible for registration with the Association. Temporary papers are issued to eligible Miniature Horses whose parents are both registered with AMHA. If after three years of age the horse is 34 inches or less, the application may be made for permanent registration. A written Standard of Perfection details the criteria for eligible horses.
Big Strides
AMHA has taken great strides since its inception to ensure the accuracy of pedigrees. One such step was closing the Registry on December 31, 1987, which allows only horses with AMHA-registered parents to be registered. To further ensure the breed's integrity, all foals born after December 31, 1995 must be blood-typed and/or DNA-tested before any of their offspring can be registered.
A nonprofit organization, the American Miniature Horse Association is membership governed with all major decisions related to the business of the Association being made by those members attending the Annual Meeting. Regional directors are elected by mail from 13 regions in the United States and Canada.
In addition to preserving the integrity and maintaining the accuracy of its bloodline records, AMHA offers rewarding programs, expanded opportunities and a wide variety of resources designed to expand your involvement with the American Miniature Horse.
Big Future
One of the world's fastest growing equine associations, AMHA continues to enjoy increased numbers in registrations, transfers, show entries and memberships each year. Currently with more than 6,000 members in 38 countries and provinces, AMHA is one of the leading Miniature Horse registries.
About Us
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