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April 2021 President’s Message


Despite, and possibly because of, the COVID pandemic, AMHA has grown and moved forward in 2020 and the first part of 2021. We have implemented many new systems, procedures, member benefits and more.


Finally, after many years of working toward it, we have updated our computer system! The new software is in place and the staff have been working diligently with the developer to work out all the bugs. The transition was a difficult one as we were moving off an antiquated DOS system onto a custom software program utilizing the latest technology. Our servers and other hardware had to be replaced to handle the new workload, and the staff undertook the momentous challenge of learning an entire new way to do their job. They have been amazing! Many long hours of learning, working with the developer, finding “lost” data that did not know where to go, identifying bugs and dedication to their job has paid off. Our new system is up and running and we are so very close to finally being caught up with all our registration work! A HUGE thank you to Val Shingledecker, Pam Pruitt, Marsha Bartlett, Brenda McCawley, and Sarah Scheffel for making this happen. And thank you to our developer, Mark Anderson, with the assistance of Quintin Boehmisch and the team from Michael Brandt’s office for their incredible work behind the scenes during this transition. You are all so very much appreciated!

Val and Sarah have been working closely with our website developers, Debby Boosalis and Marcy Norwood, to keep our beautiful new website current and up to date. Several new things have been implemented. I am sure you have seen the weekly “AMHA Marketplace Spotlight” in your email and on Facebook. Those that advertise in our Marketplace on the website, which include the Stallion Directory, Farm Directory, Trainer Directory, Business Directory, Merchandise Vendors, Corporate sponsors, and Software sponsors, will all be featured in the Spotlight. Advertising does pay off and the Spotlight promotes each of our advertisers to not only our membership but to the greater readership of social media. Have not gotten the emails? Check with Val in the office to make sure we have your correct email address!!!

New and exciting for 2021 is our Educational Webinars. These Zoom webinars are available to current members. We have an amazing line-up of presenters who are volunteering their time to share their expertise with you. “From The Judges’ Perspective, Foaling Time, Hunter tips, Showmanship do’s and don’ts, starting the driving horse, to many more subjects you don’t want to miss this new Member Benefit. But if you can’t join during the live presentation you can go to the Members Only section of the website and see the recording from the presentation. If you missed the email with the password for the Members Only page, please contact your director to get set up. Webinars will be announced through email and on Facebook.

Thanks to each and every member of AMHA who have supported us these past few difficult years, AMHA is once again financially stable and able to give you another Member Benefit. THE MINIATURE HORSE WORLD, THE YEAR IN REVIEW will be going to PRINT! Yes, our beloved magazine will now be a once a year printed magazine that will come out in late December/ early January. Don’t miss this opportunity to advertise and to share your pictures, stories and show highlights. Advertising rates and deadlines are on the website. Along with the printed magazine we will also be sending you periodic newsletters in the mail that will keep you up to date with show dates, registration deadlines, registration specials, and current news.

Wishing you all a safe and fun filled year!

Sheryl Peterson

AMHA President


June 2020 President’s Message


2020. The year none of us could have ever dreamt of. The year that took our lives, our livelihoods, and our equine industries on a journey that no one could have ever predicted. And it is only June. From pandemics to riots, our countries and our lives have been changed in ways that we have yet to understand. What has been normal may never be normal again.

Though AMHA has been affected like all equine industries, we are moving forward and learning new ways to cope with life and work. Our office was closed for a month, and our staff were laid off. During that time our office manager, Val Shingledecker, worked limited hours alongside the Board to keep our association going and to assist our members. The board kept working, making many decisions for the association that were sound and well thought out. Several board members took on the task of returning calls to members and answering their questions. Val, Dawn, our Treasurer, and myself worked with Mark, our software developer, to keep our software development moving forward, and our website developers, with Debby and Marcy, to continue the development of our new website. Dawn worked many hours with Val to ensure our financial obligations were met and our expenses were minimal. When the day finally came that we could re-open the office and begin bringing staff back we had a concrete plan in place to get our association back in business and to again be registering horses and serving our members.


We put out a poll to determine how many horses would be coming to our Regional Shows so we could make sound financial decisions as to the viability of holding them. We asked for specific names so we could cross-reference the numbers and make sure there were no duplicates. The poll showed overwhelming support for all three Regional shows and attendance numbers well above last year’s. We are excited to be offering all three shows this year, and extremely excited for our World Show.


These five months have presented us with many challenges, and I would like to recognize our Board of Directors for rising to each and every one of them. Not all decisions were easy, and we did not always agree with one another, but we all did what was right for AMHA.


I would like to give a huge Thank You to all of YOU– all of our members who have stood by us, been patient and understanding, and who are again sending in their memberships and foal registrations. First and foremost, we are a horse registry, and taking care of registration needs is a priority. Being closed for a month and now having limited staff in the office does present its challenges! The office is turning out registration work as fast as they can. Please be patient and expect some delays in getting your paperwork back.


There have been some changes in our office staff as we come back from this. Quintin will no longer be a full-time employee, but will be working as a contractor to assist with the software implementation and the office needs. Unfortunately, we will be unable to bring back our comptroller, Becky. Val and Marsha will be taking over the accounting department, working closely with our Treasurer.


And, last but certainly not least – You are reading this message as it is posted on our amazing new website! After many, many months of work, doing and re-doing, pulling their hair out, trying another way, starting over, and being frustrated they have turned out a product that we can all be extremely proud of! Thank you, Debby Boosalis and Marcy Norwood of D&M Equine Design for our beautiful new web site! Be sure and go through it and discover all of the new information and helpful links. Let us know if you find any “broken” links – we have proofed it and proofed it but there is always that one that got away!


Sheryl Peterson

AMHA President


January 2020 President’s Message


Wishing you all a wonderful and profitable 2020. I am excited for the coming year for AMHA. We are slowly recovering and getting back to stability and the future holds much promise for our association. The new website is being created, the software program is moving along, the office is catching up from the holiday rush and the board is working on implementing new and exciting ideas. Thank you to each and every member, board member, EC member, office staff and volunteer for helping us make it to this new year. It is because of a lot of people doing a lot of hard work that we are here today and able to move forward.


D&M Equine design is putting out our last e-magazine for this year. There will be two newsletters sent out to members this year and one printed magazine at the end of the year. Debbie and Marcy have given us one year of pro bono services, and our sincere thanks goes out to them for this huge contribution they have made to our association. They will continue providing us with beautiful, professional work through the newsletters, eblasts, FB messages, World Show program and the year end magazine at a very reasonable rate. Thank you, Debbie and Marcy!!!


The office staff have been working with Mark Anderson, the developer of the new software program, in preparation for the move to the new software. Thank you to each and every one for the time, thought and work you have already put into this. The changeover will be a challenge, but one I am confident the AMHA staff will handle with professionalism and dedication.


Our new website will have some exciting new features, and is being designed to be the “go to” place for accurate and up to date information for our members. We will be translating all of our forms into the different languages of our International members and making those available on the website. The new design will make it easier to find information and it will be easier to keep it updated.

The information on how to join the monthly Board of Directors meetings is posted on the website. Go to the top, click on “About Us”, then click on BOD Meeting Schedule. The board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm CST. All members are welcome to attend.


We invite each of you to join us in reaching our goals of maintaining financial stability, moving AMHA into the 21st century, providing the office with new software and hardware, promoting our special award programs, such as Superior Event Horse and Honor Roll, increasing member participation, assisting local clubs to grow, and promoting  AMHA Internationally – just to name a few.


Please consider joining the growing number of members who are participating in our Software Sponsorship program. Each contribution, no matter how large or small, will help us in reaching our goal. There are excellent recognition and advertising opportunities available through this program. See our website for more information.


2020 will be an exciting year for AMHA and a wonderful time to be a member. With new classes being offered at the Regional and World shows, new awards, exciting programs, a new website, a new registration program, new show program – don’t miss out on being a part of this amazing journey of the American Miniature Horse Association!


Sheryl Peterson
AMHA President


November 2019 


The 2019 AMHA Annual Meeting was held in Kansas City this past week-end. Thanks to all of you who attended this meeting! Your attendance was appreciated and very valued. We hope to see more of you in 2020 to join us in a very productive and fun meeting!

Three new board members were seated this year. Susan Infonte joins us from Region 13, Deb Rogers from Region 11 and myself from Region 8. Region 10 remains without a Director at this time.  Your new executive committee of myself as President, Leigh Murray as Vice-President, Deb Hopkins as Secretary, Dawn Henrich as Treasurer and Becky Kelly as Director-At-Large is excited for the year and the new direction we are taking.


2020 will bring us a brand-new website designed by D&M Equine Design. This website will be easy to read, easy to find what you need, beautifully designed and will become our “go to” place for up to date and accurate information. There will be advertising and marketing components, pages for committees and International information and much, much more.


2020 will also bring us a new software program. AMHA has been operating on the same DOS system that was developed when we opened our doors. Now, over 40 years later, that system is n dire need of replacement. DOS is not supported and is so antiquate that integration of current technology is not possible. The system is on the verge of dying permanently. AMHA has found a software program capable of meeting all of our needs. Developed originally for the American Hackney Association, and also in use by the American Shetland Pony Club, this software provides not only registration and office capabilities, it also comes with a show program that will replace our current one that has become outdated and without support. We have created a Software Sponsorship Program to raise the necessary funds for this exciting endeavor, and invite each and every member to participate in help bring AMHA into today’s technology.

Several surveys will be coming out soon to help guide us as we look at the success of the e-magazine, the thought of a year book, better ways of communicating with members, possible new programs, ideas for growing membership, and much more. If you did not receive the results of the first survey, please contact your Director and one will be sent to you. These surveys are an important way for members to help guide the board as they work to guide our association.


Many, many thanks to Debbie Boosalis and Marcy Norwood for all that they have given to our association this year. Without them there would be no e-magazine, and our eblasts would not be the same. They created our show program, the sales row program, helped with the annual meeting and so much more. My deepest appreciation and thanks to these two amazing women.


2020 is going to be a year of growth for AMHA. Getting back to our roots while bringing us into the 21st century will be challenging and exciting. I invite all of you to get excited, join us, and be a part of the amazing journey of the American Miniature Horse Association.


Sheryl Peterson

AMHA President


June 2019 


Thanks to everyone who participated in our first-ever member video conference call on June 4th. We had well over 200 members join us. I sincerely want to thank you for taking the time to make your voice heard in your association! The measure we voted on to lower the age of hard shipping horses to 36 months did not pass by a vote of 98-100. This will have an impact on the AMHA fiscal standing, as has been stated by your Treasurer, Dawn Henrich. However, it has also reinforced our leadership team’s objective to involve our members in key decisions, and in this fast-paced, quickly-changing world this is very important to our future. This was the first time a meeting of this nature was initiated by the organization, and we learned much on how to improve this venue for the future. Thank you for your patience and support throughout the process. We will continue working hand-in-hand to earn your trust and support as we move into the future. SO, WHAT NOW?


You have told us that you are all passionate about the AMHA, have a host of opinions on many areas of our operations, want us to be open to new ideas, and are interested in growing and improving our organization – all while maintaining its structure and history. We have heard loud and clear that there has been a general feeling for years that your voice is not important or relevant in many areas. We are developing avenues to determine what the membership wants, who you think we are as an organization and what you want the AMHA to be. It is impossible to reaffirm and establish an identity and forward-thinking view without knowing what YOU think. On that note, we are developing several member surveys that will be released soon. I encourage each and every one of you to participate in these surveys.


As a member run organization, our successes and failures are linked to each and every one of us. I strongly encourage your ongoing participation and open, respectful viewpoints and commentary. It is our goal to provide each and every one of you the best possible avenue to participate in your association. We may disagree about parts and pieces, but in the end it is our sincerest hope that we all come together to celebrate the relationships we have built and these fabulous small horses we are so passionate about.

My hat is off to all of you!!!


Sheryl Peterson

AMHA President


March 2019 

It is hard to believe that show season is upon us, especially with so many areas of our country still experiencing snow and winter-like weather. Spring has to arrive sometime, right?

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every member who joined us for our March 6th and March 12th teleconference board meetings. At one time we had over 35 people on the calls - almost as many members as we had at the last Annual Meeting! Those who joined us came away with the facts about what their board is doing. They heard first hand how the directors are voting, how they are processing information, and what direction our association is going. We heard member’s opinions, ideas and constructive suggestions. We heard what the members were thinking and what their concerns were. They were informative and productive meetings, and we would like to continue this trend.

Members have always been able to join board meetings. They can’t vote on issues, but they can attend, offer suggestions, voice opinions and help guide their directors into making sound decisions. But I don’t think we have been very good about letting our members know when these meetings are going to occur. We are now changing that and making sure that every member knows about all board and committee meetings and how to join them if they would like.

In that mysterious grey box at the very top of our website in a tab that reads “About Us” and in the Member Services Dropdown we have added a link entitled “Upcoming Board Meetings” Upcoming Board meetings will be listed there with the date and time of each meeting. If you would like to join the meeting just call your Director for the call-in information. Be sure you have your AMHA number available. You will be given the call-in information that allows you to attend. We encourage every member to join us and take an active part in the governing of your association. Keeping informed will allow you to know what truths and mistruths are being circulated via social media.

After consulting with our AMHA attorney the Board voted to suspend the Standing Rule to lower the hardship age to 36 months at this time. The majority of the board members, as well as the majority of members attending the meeting, agreed to this decision. In fulfilling our fiduciary responsibility to AMHA, the BOD is not willing to risk the financial exposure to AMHA if a lawsuit were to be filed. We offer our sincerest apologies to those members who will be disappointed by this decision. Due to the financial impact that this could have on the 2019 budget, the Board voted to hold a Special Membership meeting to allow members to vote on the proposal to lower the hardship age to 36 months. Members will be given the required 60 day notice of this meeting as soon as it is set up.

Our new media/marketing team has been working diligently on getting much needed information out to the membership. We have had several E-blasts that have recently gone out, and there are several more being developed. They are professional, well designed, informative communications that we hope are helping to keep you informed. Please take a moment to thank Debby Boosalis and Marcy Norwood of D&M Equine Design for their beautiful work!

The marketing team is now putting together our next Miniature Horse World E-Magazine. There is a new media kit on the website that lists all of the prices, publication dates and deadlines for getting articles and ads in. Every recognized AMHA club will have a FREE page in the magazine to promote their club. Every International Club will also have a FREE page in the magazine. Advertising rates have bee lowered to make it more economical for members to advertise. Support your association by advertising in your magazine!

Remember - what YOU can do for your association is support it. This means registering your foals, transferring horses, bringing them permanent, renewing your membership, encouraging new members and advertising in your magazine. As you know, this is a very tight financial situation we are in, and we need all of us pulling together to insure the continued success of AMHA.

Thank You!


February 2019 


It has been whirlwind three months since taking the office of President of AMHA, and I am very honored to be in this position. Any president of any non-profit organization is only as good as the Board of Directors they have working with them. Our AMHA Board is truly amazing, dedicated and willing to work hard to move our association forward. Because of this group of dedicated people working tirelessly behind the scenes we are moving into 2019 in a positive way.


Without our office staff we would be nothing. I have spent several weeks in the office this year and am continually impressed with their attitude, willingness to work and their loyalty to AMHA. Our outdated equipment, computer programs, and phone system make their jobs much more difficult, yet they don’t complain and continue to get our registration work done and out to everyone. My hat is off to each and ever one of them.


I would personally like to thank Alison Stonecypher for her many years of service to AMHA. She was a huge asset to our members, and will be greatly missed by many. We all wish her the very best in her future endeavors.


I apologize to the membership over the lack of information coming out of the office this year. Difficulties with our systems has been a frustrating roadblock. I am happy to say we are finally “back in business” and will be getting regular e-blasts out to keep everyone informed of the happenings in your organization.


The VSE program that was voted on to implement at the annual meeting is still being developed. We are working with our attorney on correct ways of implementing it and announcements about this progress with be forthcoming.


The new qualifying rules for the World Show are posted on the website, so be sure and take a look there. We have changed the hardshipping program so your horse does not have to be registered with AMHR, and are offering a discount through April to hardship your horses. A Standing Rule has been just put in place to lower the age of the horse from 60 months to 36 months. Details can be found on our web site. 


Please share your thanks and gratitude to Dawn Heinrich, our new Treasurer. Due to her expertise and hard work we now have our financials in order. This has been an incredibly time consuming project for a volunteer to take on and we all owe her a huge thank you. Please see her Treasurer’s report for a full statement of our financial health.


Many people have asked if AMHA is closing its doors. I can assure you that is not our intention. Yes, we, like many of our fellow horse registries, are having trouble making ends meet. Yes, it is going to be a tight year and some cuts will have to be made. Yes we are going to have to work hard to keep our association going. But together we can accomplish it. It will take the efforts of all of us, each and every member. Registering horses is our purpose and our income. Holding back your registrations reduces our income. Not renewing your membership reduces our income. Not encouraging new memberships reduces our income. If we all get behind our association by continuing to support it we will make it.


Thank You!



President's Message

Our Leadership > AMHA President's Message

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